1. What can I get from this 8-weeks Active Transformation Fit Camp?

There are several reasons why our people joined the camp, e.g. lose weight, reshape their body, gain muscle mass, improve stamina, or meet some new friends. Indeed, our (coaches) main intention is to practice a healthy active lifestyle with group of people and spread this lifestyle across over the local community. Therefore, we decided to include wellness profiling, health tips and health talk session into our fit camp. 

We want to make it something fun & exciting for us over the weekend. Rome was not built in one night, but we do believe in changing people's life, one person at a time. 

2. What shall I bring or prepare?

Everyone must bring your own water bottle (1L or bigger), and towel if you want to. Before you come, just prepare your little goal for the day, e.g. what do you want to achieve with today's workout? 

3. Can I bring my friend to join?

Yes, absolutely. If possible, register your friend(s) with your coach before joining the camp. It allows us to have better preparation for different number of participants. 

4. Can I try one time before joining the 8-weeks Fit Camp?

The answer could be Yes or No. Yes, if you agree to pay the one-time fee RM10. No, if you are not ready to change.

If you are serious on getting a total transformation result on yourself after 8-weeks, the eight weeks is a must without any excuse. 

We believe, no pain, no gain. 

5. What if, I can't make it on coming weekend? 

Each participant is allowed to miss 2 weekends (except black out weekend). In other words, each participant has to complete the 8 weeks within 10 weeks. Another solution would be, you may request to change from Saturday to Sunday or Sunday to Saturday for particular week.   

Please talk to your coach in details if you have this problem.   

6. I am Muslim, and what if the eight weeks crash with my fasting month?

We truly understand this situation. Therefore, the weekends of fasting month will be categorized as black out weekend for all Muslim friends. 

7. Can I bring my kids together?

Yes, anyone under 18 years' old is allowed to join at free cost, as long as the parent is joining the session. 

8. I have been diagnosed with hypertension but it is now under control with medication, can I still participate?

Unfortunately, no. We do no recommend you join this fit camp program for your own safety purpose. Having any one of the following conditions increase your risk of injury. 

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure) - even if it is under control with medication.
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Conditions, post-bypass, recovering from any heart surgery, stroke.
  • Severe knee pains/joint problems.
  • Slip disc/spine conditions.
  • Lower back pains
  • Obese and weight above 120kg.
If you suffer from any of the above conditions, we strongly suggest you to contact us in advance so that we can recommend better way of healthy active lifestyle. 

9. What happens if it starts to rain?

The session goes on. We do have alternate solution for the raining situation.